>> April 13, 2020
There's a video doing the rounds on Twitter. There's an old man desperately scooping up milk spilled on the road. He tries to scoop up the milk into a matka, over and over again. There are street dogs lapping up the milk.
I think that maybe that image is going to stay with me for a while. I hope it does- as a constant reminder that I belong to a country and society where this happens. Where it is allowed to happen and indeed becomes video content to trigger bleeding hearts like me. And since we can all agree that this is the society we live in, I think it's time to apportion blame. Apportioning blame is on the whole and more often than not unnecessary and futile but being constructive is not the goal. I am here to remember that while sure, there are specific people, institutions and systems that are responsible for the way things are - the most proximate cause of the miserable face of this society lies is in our mirrors- mine and yours. You're to blame. I'm most definitely to blame.
CBSE textbooks in my time used to have Mahatma Gandhi's talisman in the first few pages. In which he asks those in doubt to think of the image of the poorest, weakest woman you've seen. When contemplating over a decision, he asks you to consider whether 'it'll be useful to her, will she gain anything by it, will it restore to her a control over life and destiny?'. I couldn't possible restore control over life and destiny to anyone- I'm barely in command of mine. But I will remember this image. And I'll try to remember it as I go about my life, making choices and decisions that may not directly affect that man scooping spilled milk from the road in any real way. But I'll remember him. Because if I don't, if I can forget, if I can compartmentalize, then I'm part of the problem. As are you. Not a big part of the problem, perhaps, but part of the problem. I also let it happen, just like you did. And so let's remember to ask ourselves if our choices can make a difference, will he gain anything by it, will they restore anything to him.
Perhaps then, as the Talisman suggests, maybe some of these doubts and self will melt away.
PS: The Talisman is also great advice for policymakers- maybe some suggest it to the PM?
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