Where's Waldo?
>> December 22, 2009
Sitting in Bonki's room is like a treasure hunt. I keep spotting interesting things at interesting places where I would never hope to find them. Today, after having found an unusually cute pair of yellow octopus ear-rings hanging on the window screen, I suddenly remembered Waldo! So long, it had been since Waldo and me happened. I used to follow Waldo regularly every Tuesday for yeeeeaars.
Since my friends didn't know who/what/what the f Waldo is; it had to be duly googled and would you believe, there is an official Where's Waldo website now? I'm SURE it wasn't there when I followed Waldo. And they have a whole lot of new additions, among them being Welda, and Vanda. But, seriously, who in their right mind wants to look for Wizard Whitebeard when Waldo is around somewhere waving at you in red and white. I spotted Waldo like a miracle. Around half a minute at each scene.
I should just give up law and do the one thing I'm awesome at. Finding Waldo.
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